1990 Chevrolet Caprice Superior Hearse

1990 Chevrolet Caprice Superior Hearse

This 1990 Chevrolet Caprice Superior Hearse was last seen for sale for $3350.00 in Marietta.

This is a 1990 Superior Chevrolet Caprice Hearse. It has been well taken care of over the years. It cranks right up andruns good. It doesn’t have any check engine lights on the dash. It does sound a bit louder than typical hearses- so it may need something done with the muffler. It does have the handle coming off the drivers door on the inside. The door can still be opened and closed fine. Paint is peeling a bit by the front grill by the head light.

This “1990 Chevrolet Caprice Superior Hearse” in Marietta was last seen for sale for $3350.00.